With just a generation between now and first contact, Enga's indigenous cultural and traditional way of life is still intact and practiced today and there's better time to witness this than at the annual Enga Cultural Show.

Scores of cultural groups stream into the main arena on each day of the show for the singsing; a spectacular display of Enga's diverse traditional dance and ceremonial attire.
Groups from all six districts come to town for the occasion and are selected on strict criteria based on authenticity.
Neighbouring provinces are also invited to participate based on traditional ties and connections to the Engan people.

The ritual and ceremony displays are what makes the Enga Cultural Show stand out - traditions that have been passed down for generations. Initiation and marriage ceremonies, deity worship of goddesses, spell-casting for fertility and healing are among the many scared traditional rituals of the Engan people you'll see at the show.

From stone axe making, to bridge building, fire-starting to bilum weaving, important skills and trades which are necessary for survival, and part of the traditional Engan way of life, have been passed down through the generations, both orally and through their continuous practice. See them in practice at the show

Sample the wares of numerous cottage enterprises, including the popular PNG garment the meri blouse, traditionally woven bilum bags, Enga's contemporary art form of sand painting, traditional stones axes, necklaces and more.
Local food products such as honey, nut and fruit based jelly and coffee are also on sale.

Varieties of the many species of exquisite wild orchids that thrive in Enga's forests are on display at the show, including the rare endemnic Dendrobium engae orchid