Enga Province, is the highest province in Papua New Guinea at more than 2,500 meters above sea level. The province covers an area of approximately 12,800 square kilometres and has a population of more than 500,000 people, with the majority still existing in a traditional way of life.

Still relatively undiscovered by tourists, Enga offers a true adventure through pristine nature combined with fascinating traditional cultures.

Enga is divided into six districts, Wabag, Kandep, Kompiam, Lagaip-Porgera and Wapenamanda.
The capital of the province is Wabag Town. The main street of Wabag was originally an airstrip and an important centre in the 1930's as the Highlands was being opened up to modern development.
Today, Wabag is a rapidly growing town that sits on the Highlands Highway, the longest highway in Papua New Guinea, which connects the interior of the country to the coast.
The other major centers in the province apart from Wabag include Wapenamanda, where the airport is located, Laiagam, which has a government and botanical research station and Porgera, where the Porgera gold mine is.
Explore Enga district by district here >

Where ever you travel throughout Enga you'll find water - fast flowing rivers, thunderous waterfalls, serene lakes and high altitude swampland.
There are two major rivers in Enga Province, the Laigap and the Lai.
The Laigap is one of the main tributaries for the Fly River and the Lai is proudly referred to as the 'head' of the epic Sepik River by the Engan people.
Laiagam District is where two of Enga's most significant lakes are to be found Lake Lau which is the source of t he Lagaip River is a little bit hard to reach as there are no roads that reach it, however Lake Ivae, which is the source of the Lai River is easy to visit as it sits nearby the passing Highland Highway.
Kandep District is where you'll also find lakes, swamps and even islands. This area's distinct geography is the result of ancient volcanic activity.

While all the other provinces in Papua New Guinea contain scores of different language groups, Enga is unique in that it is dominated by one language, called Enga, hence the name of the Province. Even so, there is still enormous diversity between and within the districts.
There is no better time to witness this diversity than at the annual Enga Cultural Show, when tribes from across the province gather in the thousands to display and celebrate their traditional culture.