the last frontier

Often referred to as the "the last province", it has been less than 100 years since first contact was made with Enga by the outside world.
Australian explorers, first ventured up to this rugged, high altitude interior, in the 1930's and it was more than a decade later before any further contact and development began.


The magnificent Miok bird
Enga Tourism had its beginnings thanks to the what the modern world calls the Ribbon-tailed Astrapia Bird of Paradise which has made the province a niche destination for the world's most intrepid birdwatchers for almost 30 years now.
But for far longer, this striking rare bird has been called the miok by the people of Enga, and it is synonymous with Enga Province.
The miok's long white tail feathers are an iconic feature of traditional Engan ceremonial attire.
The best place to spot them is at Kumul Lodge where they are among the regulars each day at the lodge's feeder platforms.